It Occur At The Root Ends of Teeth.
-By Dr. George Meinig,D.D.S.
Gum Disease & General Health Tips #40
In this issue:
(1) Cysts Are Quite a Different fron A Dental Infection
It occur At The Root Ends of Teeth.
-By Dr. George Meinig, D.D.S., F.A.C.D.
It Occur At The Root Ends of Teeth.
By Dr. George Meining,D.D.S.,
In the condensing osteitis cases of patients with poor defense, the tissue at the end of the tooth's root was incapable of controlling the organisms and,in fact, seemed to aid in the transport of organsims into the blood and then to various organs, gland and other tissues.
Cysts are quite a different from of infection, which occur at the root ends of teeth, although in their early states they look like granulomas. Usually they cause no apparent
symptoms or pain until they are quite large. They may be the result of tooth infections and are quite often caused by injuries.
They can exist entirely in bone or soft tissues. They are well outlined by a skin-like membrane and contain a watery fluid which sometimes has a cheese-like consistency.
Dr.Price reported a number of cases of cysts which caused systemic involvements. one was a patient of age 76 who suffered a very severe central nervous system disturbance
and had blood pressure so low he almost died on several occasions.
His physician diagnosed his condition as a heart block. After the removal of a tooth and its root end cyst, the patient's symptoms entirely disappeared. He could then walk for miles as rapidly as a 30 year old. Just the opposite occurred to another patient whose blood pressure ran above 220 but returned to normal after his tooth and cyst were removed.
Best wishes,Sung Lee