(1) Focal Infection Bacteria and The Cause of Human Death.
Most bacteria need very specific environments in which to thrive-similar to the beaver whose life depends on soft wood trees and the presence of water, or the wildcat family which needs mice nad gophers to catch for substance. The usual infectious bacteria, despite their devastating abilities, have very narrow ranges which govern their existence and the diseases they cause.
The problem is we expect focal infection organisms to have similar fixed requirements which govern what they can and cannot do. Probably Dr.Price's greatest contribution was the discovery that focal infection bacteria DO NOT HAVE THE USUAL BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTICS of most other organisms.
For the most part, oral bacteria proved to be STREPTOCOCCAL and DIPLOCOCCAL forms. A few other types were found in the mouth, but over 90 percent proved
to be varieties of the steptococcus family.
furthermore, he learned their growth and development proceeded according to the media upon which they were growing, but didn't depend on any one kind of sustanance.
The remarkable ability of focal infection bacteria to be polymorphic, that is, to mutate and adapt their lives to the most extreme and unexpected conditions, certainly appears incredible and admittedly quite hard to believe.
who would ever imagine these tiny microscopic entities would be able to survive, let alone grow luxuriantly, in dentin tubules, in concentrated poisons in boiling water, or autoclaves - all of which stopped and controlled earlier generations of the same species?
These invading warrior organisms, while smaller than the species from which they originated, in providing to be more virile and their toxins more toxic, demonstrated their unique ability to drastically adapt to changes in their environment. These attributes allowed them now only to injure their human host but to even cause his or her death.
To a great extent, these invading bacteria are dependent on defects which occur in their host organism. When their host's tissues become traumatically injured, poorly nourished, or partially poisoned.
Best wishes,
Sung Lee